Phaidon Cooking for Your Kids: At Home with the World’s Greatest Chefs

Phaidon Cooking for Your Kids: At Home with the World’s Greatest Chefs

Phaidonin julkaisema Cooking for Your Kids: At Home with the World’s Greatest -keittokirja on täynnä helppoja ja herkullisia reseptejä koko perheelle. Ravintolakriitikko ja ruokajournalisti Joshua David Steinin kokoama kirja esittelee monipuolisen valikoiman reseptejä, joita tunnetut huippukokit käyttävät omissa keittiöissään. Looking for meals that will appeal to everyone around the table? Mouths to Feed is the perfect solution: 100 recipes — breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner, treats — from the repertoires of world-famous chefs who cook for their children at home. Charming first-person stories offer a glimpse into their private lives as they strive to raise adventurous (and healthy) eaters. The chefs explain why each dish is much-loved, highlight how ingredients can expand palates, reveal insider tips, and share their work-life balance challenges.